Trails through meadows can be tricky things. Generally, the TRTA avoids building through these sensitive areas not only to protect natural resources but also because trails in meadows often require significant infrastructure to drain water properly and stay dry. The bridge at the entrance of the meadow needs to be repaired. Many historic paths exist that cross through meadows and are incorporated into the TRT and therefore the TRTA maintains them. The trail through Big Meadow is one of these sections of trail which is of particular concern. Our first step with addressing this area is replacing the broken bridge. Over a decade ago trail crews rebuilt this section of trail by bringing in fill to raise the level of the tread in the meadow to keep it dry. Over a decade later this fill is gone and the trail is becoming more incised each year leading to natural resource damage and wet muddy trails through the spring and fall. More work will need to be done, the TRTA is researching the best options for this priority project including moving the trail out of the meadow, refilling the existing trail, building an elevated boardwalk, etc. Currently, the organization believes a boardwalk, while quite expensive to build, will likely be the best solution. The TRTA continues to evaluate options and works to move this project forward not only to address the issues in Big Meadow but as a pilot project for other sensitive alpine meadows incorporated in the TRT system.
Project Sponsors
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