Hike the TRT one day at a time.


TRT Segment Hike

Each summer, the TRTA’s Segment Hike program offers regional hikers a guided and supported opportunity to complete the entire Tahoe Rim Trail in 11 day hikes. The 165+ mile trail around the Tahoe Basin is one of the most unique multi-use trails in the world…won’t you join us for a summer of unforgettable experiences?


11 Wednesdays

June 25 – September 3, 2025


Registration Details

Sold Out

We are sold out! However, do consider joining the waitlist.

Cancellations are common. The TRTA will contact those on the Waitlist if spots open. Not all registrants are cleared to participate. See below for trip details.
Happy Trails!

Have questions? Contact us at info@tahoerimtrail.org or call (775) 298-4485.

   The TRTA Segment Hike program provides the quintessential Tahoe experience.

Lake Tahoe is a jewel rich with views from the lakeshore to mountain tops. Along its mountain tops lies the 165-mile Tahoe Rim Trail often gazing down on the depths of the crystal blue water below. Join the Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA) for the Segment Hike program to fully explore miles of trail bliss. This shuttled and guided program breaks the official 165+ TRT into segments allowing participants to complete the entire trail in one season through vigorous day hikes. From supporting your pre-trip preparations to shuttling you to the trailhead before the sunrise, the TRTA provides the tools to finish the trail and join the highly coveted 165 Mile Club. This adventure offers an experience of a lifetime, the opportunity to meet new hiking friends, disconnect from everyday life, and fully immerse yourself in the breathtaking splendor of the Northern Sierra Nevada and Carson Mountain Ranges.




Each of us brought something unique to the group. I was so happy that all of us got along and genuinely liked each other and were able to support one another as needed. We laughed so much! My favorite hike was the hike that takes you by Marlette lake. That hillside looking down toward Marlette and then ultimately lake Tahoe as well as the Meadows up high still make my heart skip a beat.”


~Past TRTA Participant

Program Cost 

2025 Program Rate- Non Member $1,500
2025 Program Rate- Member $1,350 (Receive 10% off by entering your TRTA Member Discount Code on the registration page to receive your discount.)

Registration Process

1.  At 10 AM, click on the Register Now button. Complete the initial registration and pay the non-refundable $100 registration fee which goes toward the total program fee.

2.  Once you submit the registration, you will receive an email with additional information about the program and required forms that must be completed and returned to the TRTA within 30 days of registering. These forms include a Cancellation Policy, Liability Waiver, Health History Form (to be completed by your primary care provider), and a survey of your past hiking experience.

3.  After the TRTA receives your completed forms, you will receive a notification regarding your approval into the program. Once confirmed, you will receive an invoice for the remaining program balance. The balance is due within 14 days of notification to complete registration.

4.  Once your final payment is completed, you’ll receive all of the remaining details for the program in the program Welcome Packet.

Click here to review the Segment Hike Program Cancellation Policy.

Funds raised from the Segment Hike Program are used to support the organization’s mission: To maintain and enhance the Tahoe Rim Trail system, practice and inspire stewardship and preserve access to the natural beauty of the Lake Tahoe region. This program fee provides participants with the following:

  • Guided day hikes around the Tahoe Rim Trail
  • Trained and experienced TRTA Guides leading you on every hike
  • Program transportation each week (from ending trailhead to starting trailhead)
  • Binder with pre-hike preparation materials
  • Waterproof Tahoe Rim Trail Map (by National Geographic)
  • Weekly program coordination, including trailhead directions and special segment notes
  • Entry into the 165-Mile Club upon completion with certificate, pin, and patch
  • Trip of a lifetime with new friends

Program Details

Program Requirements

The TRTA invites participants with prior long-distance hiking experience to sign up for this exciting program. This 11-week program is strenuous and not for beginning hikers; the demands of hiking a full day with a backpack between 6,200′ to 10,400′ cannot be overstated. Consequently, it is critical that participants are well-prepared for this expedition through proper training, nutrition, and self-care. The program binder given to participants will provide information to assist with this training before the hike. Each participant will hike the same day of the week with the same people each week, requiring a significant mental and physical commitment. The TRTA will help you fully prepare for this experience, but we ask that you please consider the level of commitment it takes to train, prepare, and complete the Segment Hike before registering. Participants must be able to fulfill the following requirements of the program:

  • Hike 20+ mile segments in one day (up to 25 miles for an average of 17.5 miles each week)
  • Maintain a ~2 mph hiking pace at elevations between 6,200′ and 10,400′ including breaks*
  • Carry a daypack with a minimum of two liters of water, lunch, snacks, layers, and other necessities

*IMPORTANT: Due to the high demands of hiking the TRT and group management, participants are required to hike at an average pace of 2.5 mph, including breaks over the course of each hike. If, in the judgment of the Segment Hike Guides, a participant cannot reasonably meet this requirement, they will be removed from the program without a refund. This is to stress the importance of training and overall preparation. It is not meant to scare anyone away.

Click here to view the Segment Hike Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC).

With the right mindset and enough dedication and training, you can rock this trail!

The Trail

The Tahoe Rim Trail circles more than 165 miles around the rim of the Tahoe Basin, although segment hikers typically hike closer to 180 miles due to using connector trails after breaking the trail into smaller segments. In addition to distance, it is worth noting that the highest point on the TRT is Relay Peak at 10,338’. There will be other significant climbs over 9,000’. Hiking distances will range between 10 and 25 miles each hike for an average of 17.5 miles each week. The trail ranges from moderate to strenuous with a total gain/loss of 24,400’ over the entire program, while most segments climb well over 1,000′ in one day.

Tahoe Rim Trail Elevation map

Total TRT elevation gain/loss is the equivalent of summiting Mount Whitney 4 times!

The Program 

Your program will meet on the same day each week until you have hiked the entire trail through day hikes. Each hike, you will meet the program shuttle between 6 am and 7:30 am, depending on the segment, at the location that the hike will later conclude. The shuttle picks up the group and transports you and your team to the beginning trailhead to essentially hike back to your cars. Carpooling is strongly encouraged. Detailed driving instructions are provided for each meeting location. Dogs and friends/family of participants are not allowed to join the hike, namely due to room in the shuttle and Leave No Trace practices for large group sizes.


We invite all participants to select their own hiking equipment for each day hike. More information related to gear and what to pack will be sent to participants after the registration process is complete.


Your guides consist of our highly experienced and dedicated volunteer TRTA Guides and/or TRTA Staff. Guides are certified in CPR, Wilderness First Aid, and trained by the TRTA and/or other agencies. In addition, they love to hike and share their backcountry and trail knowledge with others and dedicate significant time to the program. TRTA volunteers are not paid, so please show them extra respect and some love each hike. We have much esteem for our volunteer guides and want this to be an amazing experience for them too! TRTA Guides and staff reserve the right to terminate a hiker’s participation for lack of experience, training, and/or inappropriate behavior at any time before and during the hike.

Tahoe Backcountry and Wilderness

Most importantly, the TRT should be considered a harsh mountain environment! This 165+ mile, single-track trail is open to hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers (in most areas). The trail circumnavigates the ridgelines of the Lake Tahoe Basin, crossing six counties, four National Forests, three wilderness areas, two states, and one state park. Frequently, the trail leads through very remote areas without cell reception and road access. At all moments during the trip, participants are required to actively engage in their own safety and the safety of those around them. The segment hike group will be required to stick together as a team, use proper equipment, not exceed the abilities of the reasonably weakest link, and always exercise good judgment.

The best view comes after the hardest climb

 Voices from past Segment Hikers~

Segment hikers train and prepare for everything the seasons bring us
“HIKE, HIKE, HIKE in preparation” 
“Take this seriously. Eleven hours on the trail is not for the faint of heart. But very rewarding if you are prepared!”
Guided Segment Hikes on the Tahoe Rim Trail
” Prepare, prepare, prepare. I think there is a magic number in play: If you can complete training hikes of roughly 18 miles at a pace of roughly 2.5 mph you will be likely able to complete the whole trail comfortably. The increment beyond 15 miles is not about strength, but more about will.”
Early summer hiking doesn't stop us
“The morning comradery and hugs…the let’s do this attitudes…and the post hike refreshments everyone took turns bringing! I had an amazing group!”

This event is located on public lands!