Ever wonder how popular your favorite section of trail is? In order to better understand trail use levels and trends, the Tahoe Rim Trail Association has utilized passive infrared and magnetic trail counters on various places within the Tahoe Rim Trail system.
Data suggests that over 400,000 people make use of the TRT each year!
In 2016, counters were deployed to collect data throughout the trail system. The counters confirmed anecdotal evidence that suggest high use areas of the system receive close to 116 average daily trips during the peak season. Wow! Trends also indicated that use on the Tahoe Rim Trail is increasing rapidly and is up 45% over the past eight or nine years. Understanding use levels helps the TRTA and USFS make decisions to improve the experience for hikers, bikers, and equestrians.
The TRTA has estimated levels for much of the trail (take a look at the map above).