Interested in learning more about trail projects the TRTA is working on?
Along with performing annual and cyclical maintenance on the entirety of the 200-mile Tahoe Rim Trail system, the TRTA is also responsible for implementing large-scale projects focused on a particular area or aspect of the trail. This is the place to find more information on site-specific and trail-wide projects the TRTA is tackling right now. From routing the trail off dirt roads and away from highways, to improving signs, kiosks, and wayfinding, the TRTA is committed to improving the trail experience for all trail users.

Watson Lake Bathroom Installation
This project allows a smaller human impact on the Watson Lake area. A popular spot for through-hikers and campers, this campground sees a lot of…Learn More

Big Meadow Hwy Crossing
This proposal aims to decommission the current trail from the Big Meadow parking lot area to the Highway 89 crossing and replace it with a…Learn More

Picnic Rock Trail Rehabilitation & Signage Repairs
This project will help improve and make the trail near Brockway East that leads to Picnic Rock more sustainable and safe. Erosion and trail repairs…Learn More

Caldor Fire Rehabilitation
The TRTA hosted volunteer workdays throughout the early part of the summer to rehabilitate areas of the trail that were damaged by the 2021 Caldor…Learn More

Freel Peak Switchbacks Rehabilitation
The Freel Peak Trail Switchbacks Rehabilitation project will strengthen trail tread that leads to the top of Freel Peak for the next 10 to 15…Learn More

Castle Rock Trail Rehabilitation & Peregrine Falcon Protection
Volunteers meet with Scouts of America to start working on this project. Here, they are learning about all of the tools that they will need…Learn More

Horse Meadow Trail Realignment
The Horse Meadow Trail (also known as the Armstrong Pass Trail) is a feeder trail into the Tahoe Rim Trail, a major destination on the…Learn More

Painted Rock Reroute
This completed project constructed approximately 6,000 feet of new trail to realign the Tahoe Rim Trail onto a trail designed to multi-use standards with sustainable…Learn More

Watson Lake Reroute
This approved reroute project will construct approximately 500 feet of new trail to reroute the Tahoe Rim Trail off of a dirt road and much…Learn More

Spooner Summit North Trailhead Reconstruction
The Spooner Summit North Trailhead Reconstruction project was completed in 2019 to address a major erosion issue and improve access at the Spooner Summit North…Learn More