Youth Mental Health First Aid Course

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The Tahoe Rim Trail Association is hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) course taught by the Children’s Cabinet. This course will provide individuals with a foundation in mental health first aid concepts critical to responding effectively to the the mental and emotional needs of adolescents, ages 12-18.

Tahoe Truckee Earth Day

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Wildflowers in Lake Tahoe

Join us for this family-friendly Earth Day Celebration at the Palisades Tahoe! Be sure to stop by our Tahoe Rim Trail Association info booth and say hi!

Tahoe Trail Mixer

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The Tahoe Rim Trail Association has partnered with AleWorx to host an event with food, drinks, and music where proceeds will go back to the trail.

Valentine’s Day Snowshoe Trek

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Guided Snowshoe Treks in Lake Tahoe on the Tahoe Rim Trail

You know how you’re a cool TRTA member and we’re an awesome organization? It’s like we combined the cool and the awesome, threw in a dash of Valentine’s Day, and made a sunset out of it! Come explore and let us spoil you on this picturesque short snowshoe trek complete with hot chocolate, wine, cheese, crackers, and desserts. BECAUSE WE MAKE A GREAT TEAM!

Expedition Echo Snowshoe Trek with Sugar Pine Foundation

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Guided Snowshoe Treks in Lake Tahoe on the Tahoe Rim Trail

This trek will be a leisurely snowshoe from the Echo Lake Sno-Park to Lower Echo Lake. Along the way, our experts and friends at the Sugar Pine Foundation will reveal the mysterious world of trees. No snowshoes? No problem! Just let us know, and we’ll bring a pair for you.

Effects of Fire Snowshoe Trek with SPF

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Guided Snowshoe Hikes in Lake Tahoe

Dust off the snowshoes and head out into the snowy forest with the TRTA and our tree experts at the Sugar Pine Foundation (SPF). If you like nature, views, natural history, exercise, and good company, click for more info!