Echo Summit

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  2. Venues
  3. Echo Summit
Events at this venue

Expedition Echo Snowshoe Trek with Sugar Pine Foundation

Echo Summit Nebelhorn, Hwy 50 El Dorado Fwy, South Lake Tahoe, CA, United States

This trek will be a leisurely snowshoe from the Echo Lake Sno-Park to Lower Echo Lake. Along the way, our experts and friends at the Sugar Pine Foundation will reveal the mysterious world of trees. No snowshoes? No problem! Just let us know, and we'll bring a pair for you.


Triangle Lake Trail Work Day

Echo Summit Nebelhorn, Hwy 50 El Dorado Fwy, South Lake Tahoe, CA, United States

Join the TRTA's efforts in improving trail drainage near Triangle Lake in Desolation Wilderness to provide a more sustainable and enjoyable user experience! The day will start at 9:00 AM at the Echo Lake Trailhead and wrap up by 4:00 PM. The TRTA will provide all necessary equipment, including hard hats, tools, eye protection, and... Read more »